Huiyan Polymers Co., Ltd is since 1992 based in the heart of the China footwear market, as supplier of all kinds of polymers, like TPU,TPR,EVA,RB,SBS etc.
Following the demand of this market, we decided already in 2016 to manufacture German Quality affordable ETPU (Expanded Thermoplastic PolyUrethane) pearls.
Thanks to our young professional R&D team, we introduce besides our ETPU in different densities, our versions of ETPEE (Expanded ThermalPlastic Elastomer) pearls and EPEBAX (Expanded Polyether Block Amide) pearls, which will change the market once again. As we expand our manufacturing capabilities, we export to the worldwide users of expanded polymers and therefore we have opened an European office, where our staff can greet and meet you multi lingual.
Have a look at our multilingual website, where you can see in which industries our expanded polymers could be used and our affordable ETPU, ETPEE and EPEBAX pearls do have capabilities beyond your own imagination.
Together with our German Quality TPU supplier, we have setup a recycling network for the end of life ETPU products of our clients, so if you are interested to join our network and make the world a little bit greener , please do not hesitate to contact us via the undermentioned ways of communication.
Hoping to be communicating with you soon,
Rien Struik
Global Sales Director